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 By Gary Lee Reed

SYNOPSIS -                                                                                                                                                                                      

"Local man Arrested in Disappearance of Dallas Investor Tex. L Roberts."                                                                            

"Fugitive Surrenders."                                                                                                                                                                    

"Burial Site Located  -  But Body Not Found"     


November 19, 1993 the three Reed brothers assembled in the youngest of the Reed boy's home to go through the five boxes of their fathers personal effects. Fifteen years earlier Ardis Odell Reed had been given a twenty year sentence for numerous crimes including attempted murder and domestic terrorism. What would they find in these five mysterious boxes? Had he indeed been framed as he said he was in visits with and letters o the oldest son? Was he guilty like the middle son was convinced? Who was this man with the title of father, wondered the youngest son? Would these five boxes answer these burning, long  awaited questions?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

With their wives at their sides these three brothers find the answers to their questions and more...perhaps more than they had ever wished.  Personal Effects is not so much about the contents of the five boxes but the personal effect A.O. Reed had made on each of these three, now, grown men's lives.   His love, his abandonment, his death and now all that remains ... personal effects.   






                                                                                                                        Beatrice Warde wrote "Everything about the crystal goblet was calculated to reveal rather than hide the beautiful thing it meant to contain." Ellen, a typographer from the "old school" finds herself professionally and personally on the verge of  obscurity.
This rich, insightful drama written by Richard Levine the co-creator of Nip/Tuck explores our romantic and physical fragilities so delicately it evokes feelings akin to sipping a really fine glass of red wine in a romantic restaurant...alone. In the end it is that frailty that makes us as fine as crystal.


by Kelly Younger
Ollie is fifteen and wedged between boyhood and manhood, dependence and autonomy and desperately afraid he will grow old and die in Garden City Kansas
.Elvis runs the local bar and is resigned to the fact that the only interesting thing about him is that his mom named him Elvis because she went into labor watching the "King" perform on the Ed Sullivan show. Wendell fancies himself a drifter and artist, buys maps, reads the first ten pages of every Kerouac novel but at the end of the day he’s looking for a place where he can face himself, unafraid.
Enter Gayle who feels like she’s been sleepwalking through life and surprised by her ability to leave the Better Homes and Gardens life behind in Canada and pursue whatever is south. In a play with three men - in a world of men - the discovery that Gayle is the driving force for these three lost souls is as much a surprise to herself as her unexpected arrival.
This non-published Comedy/Drama takes you on the trip down the long, lonesome road to nowhere where you might actually find something or someone.




by Michael Grady


When visited by an Angel named Herald, Leonard, the staunch Catholic patriarch of the Tchernik family is instructed to bring the family back together one more time for the "Annual Neighborhood Roof Top Christmas Display Contest" which they lost eleven years in a row.
Little does he know that will mean inviting his estranged newly converted Jewish daughter. Len is going to pull out all the stops this year and win this contest once and for all. Imagine "It’s a Wonderful Life" meets "Home Improvement" and you get a hilarious comedy that unites the Tchernik family with Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, Santa, elves and Rudolph all up on the roof when the LIGHTS finally come on. Or will they? If you can’t be with your family at Christmastime this play will make you go home and call them.



by David Rambo


David Rambo's God's Man In Texas is the story of the vigorous, eighty-one year old Dr. Philip Gottschall, who has created a mega church which offers everything for the needs of it's members, from kindergarten to college, from bowling alleys to swimming pools. Forced to consider retirement and not about to hand his creation over to just anyone, he summons charismatic Reverend Jerry Mears to 'audition' as his successor. Soon, a political struggle ensues as the two battle for the leadership of the church and its people.





by Sarah Ruhl


A comedy about clean homes and messy lives, The Clean House is set somewhere in a metaphysical Connecticut, where Mathilde is hired as a live-in-maid by Lane, a successful doctor who values order in every aspect of her life. But Mathilde hates cleaning because it makes her depressed and would rather spend her time concocting the funniest joke ever Portuguese. As luck would have it, Lane’s modest sister Virginia delights in cleaning and begins to take over the maid’s duties on the sly, thus allowing Mathide the time to craft the perfect joke. The plot becomes more complicated when Lane’s husband, a surgeon, unexpectedly falls in love with his patient. His soul mate, the Argentinean Ana, has the quality Lane never had -a vital life force. In an instant everything that was clean and tidy in Lane’s life is in disarray. Forced to pick up the pieces and closely evaluate their lives, these characters come to find an uncommon bond filled with comedy and rage as they begin to discover what living and dying are all about.

by Sarah Bewley



Eric, a rising Hollywood star has just lost his sister to cancer. Whilst she was dying he was reading her a book called "Sand Dancer" and he had promised to take her to the beach where the book is set as soon as she is well. He goes to the little island as a tribute to his sister but when he tries to return first his car breaks down and then the ferry. Fate has something else in store He surprisingly meets the author of the book who is grieving for her husband who has committed suicide on the same beach a year earlier. She asks Eric to participate in her grieving ritual and although the ritual works it has unforeseen side effects on Eric.


* This represents play Gary has gotten permission to pitch to direct by the authors.



By Richard Levine

Ft. Worth Star Telegram -1971 Dallas Times Herald - 1973     Dallas Morning News -1974

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